Muncul 4 Matahari di China : In a news portal on the explain that the invisibility of the four sun in china are atmospheric phenomena that have been well known in the world of science. Name the phenomenon that is Sun Dog that looks simultaneously with Parhelic Circle. said the emergence of the sun these four pieces in china merupalan natural phenomenon that rarely occurs in nature (read : 4 Matahari di china).

"This phenomenon is called a sun dog or guard dog sun. Ordinary light halo appears on the left-right, so often seen the sun despite its smaller size, "he said. "Conditions, around the direction the sun comes up the ice crystals that refract light. Usually, there are two phenomena that is halo and sun dogs (read : Meteor jatuh di Cirebon). "
"It's just a refraction of sunlight that appear due to the condition of the upper layer of very cold cloud cyrus. It's not unusual phenomenon, "says Thomas (Blogger Setia).
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