Film Sang Pencerah Yakin Sukses Menurut Hanung Bramantyo

Film sang pencerah Directed by Hanung Bramantyo afresh accepted his adeptness to concocting a adventure through a cine blue-blooded "KH Ahmad Dahlan, the Enlightenment". Adya Mecca Zaskia bedmate was acquisitive the admission of her latest blur may chase the film's success Paragraph Ayat Cinta (AAC) and Women Berkalung Turban.

When a columnist appointment and premiere that garapannya, Hanung accepted aggressive by big dreams that breathing the spirit of Ahmad Dahlan advertising and education.

"Making this blur involves the Enlightenment actual facts, research, abstracts analysis, and bookish discipline. Moreover, associated with actual abstracts and ideas, of advance requires a abysmal assay and understanding, "said Hanung in FX Senayan, Jakarta, Friday (3 / 9) night.

Hanung admitted, he approved actual harder about-face on the atmosphere of activity for humans in Yogyakarta in the 1800s. He was challenged to accompany the abbey situsi Kauman Jogja, Bintaran, and included angles with the ambience of Jogja city-limits at 100 years ago.

Hanung took home MVP Pictures as assembly partner. Hanung filmed in Kauman, Jogjakarta, Ambarawa, and Bogor. Time-consuming action of filming for 90 days.

Also present to animate the film, Lukman Sardi (KH Ahmad Dhlan), Zaskia Adya Mecca (KH Dahlan's Wife), Giring Nidji, Ihsan Idol, Slamet Rahardjo, Ikrarnegara, Dennis Adiswara, Mario Irwinsyah, and Abdurrahman Arif.

"This cine aims to about-face the thoughts of Ahmad Dahlan, as able-bodied as affect the adolescent bearing so they will do something for this country and the ummah. End credibility is how they apperceive the agent of the founding of Muhammadiyah as a religious alignment that brought the spirit of renewal, education, and cerebration in accordance with the times, the basal abstraction that Islam as a adoration rahmatan lil alamin, "said Hanung.

The blur was fabricated two editions. Launching with the appellation "The Enlightenment", about 112 account in duration. The Enlightenment describes the activity of Ahmad Dahlan from bearing until the bearing of Muhammadiyah organization. The additional film, which will aswell be launched, is unplugged, back Ahmad Dahlan gave bearing to the leaders of Muhammadiyah Muhammadiyah had died. (Blog informasi dan berita dunia)

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